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How does it work?


Free telephone consultation

Call without any obligation to discuss your needs and decide whether the service you need can be offered. If an assessment appointment is arranged, Dr Sopena will probably ask to meet the parent(s)/carer(s) first but will discuss this with you during the telephone consultation

1 hour initial assessment

We will meet to get a detailed understanding of your concerns as well as some background history. This will help inform what might be the best treatment to suit your needs.

1 hour feedback session

If necessary, we will meet to discuss in detail how the needs of your family can be best supported, what goals you are trying to achieve, whether further assessment is needed and/or what will the intervention involve. We will also discuss how many therapy sessions are likely to be needed.

50 minutes therapy sessions

Depending on the nature of the problem, the treatment offered might involve working directly with the child, working with the parent/family and/or liaising with other professionals involved with the child (e.g., School).

Further assessment

If we determine that further assessment is needed for example, to determine if your child meets diagnostic criteria for a developmental condition such as ASD, ADHD or Learning Difficulties, we will discuss with you exactly what type of service is necessary.